NewMexiCon Planning

NewMexiCon Planning

Hey New Mexicans! I’m planning this trip now. Are there good reasons to get there early/late or should I just plan on getting in Thursday and leaving Sunday night/Monday morning? Is there an afterparty scene or does everyone run off to their jobs and responsibilities?

0 thoughts on “NewMexiCon Planning”

  1. I’m sorely tempted to just drive it, make a road trip of the thing. Less time and cheaper than United so far!

    MadJay Brown​​ come out a week early and we can Thelma & Louise it.

  2. I’m driving, flying is ridiculous. So my schedule is wide open! Kind of depends on whether Jahmal and I are roadtripping it now.

  3. cancels plane tickets

    (came up with a better one)

    Jokes on you Beakley, there’s nothing to dissect in that game. 

    “This game isn’t very good. The end.”

  4. Ara Kooser will tolerate my extended presence, I hope. I’ll ooh and aah his tats at 20 minute intervals, that should do it yes?

    Or maybe we’ll run The One Ring at Fortress Kooser for 24 straight hours.

  5. If I can swing it, I’d like to make a week out of and do some touristy things. If you’re interested mayhaps we can coordinate something.

  6. Okay, room is booked and membership is purchased. Barring something dramatic — which I cannot rule out, my life being what it is — I’m in.

  7. Hot damn.

    Left a comment for Phil Lewis on the website about running stuff. Because man am I gonna run some stuff. Maybe the entire ndp ludography.

  8. I’ve got a room booked from Thursday evening through Tuesday morning. That said, there’s nothing says I can’t get there earlier and crash on a couch somewhere.

    Again pending road trip plans etc etc

  9. 24 Hours of The One Ring!

    Enduro gaming, it’s a thing. I’ve raced bikes for 24 hours, how hard could constant creative output be?

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