Fiddling While Rome Burns or Drawing the Magic Circle Anew (probably both: Forbidden Lands session 4)

Last Tuesday we played our fourth session of Forbidden Lands. My heart was -- is -- so heavy. But on we played. Last week I decided to go all-in on FL's procedural generation and ditch everything attached to the Raven's Purge campaign. It eliminates my prep time and lets me discover the world alongside the players. That real-time discovery… Continue reading Fiddling While Rome Burns or Drawing the Magic Circle Anew (probably both: Forbidden Lands session 4)

Gen7 is Methadone for Storynerds

We were missing our fourth intrepid adventurer for last night's Forbidden Lands game, so I busted out Plaid Hat's Gen7. It's the next board game in their Crossroads series, the first being their two Dead of Winter games. While we were playing, I could not help but notice how much playing Gen7 feels like playing… Continue reading Gen7 is Methadone for Storynerds