Games That Broke My Brain

The other day someone in the IGRC Slack talked about getting (back) into roleplaying recently and landing in OSR territory. But now he wanted to learn more about “storygaming.” Whatever that is! I’m deeply uninterested in staking a flag for anyone else. For my purposes, all storygaming means to me is post-trad play that is… Continue reading Games That Broke My Brain

Gen7 is Methadone for Storynerds

We were missing our fourth intrepid adventurer for last night's Forbidden Lands game, so I busted out Plaid Hat's Gen7. It's the next board game in their Crossroads series, the first being their two Dead of Winter games. While we were playing, I could not help but notice how much playing Gen7 feels like playing… Continue reading Gen7 is Methadone for Storynerds