Third time playing and the best so far. This was the first time we used the actual non-demo version of the setup, and lordy is it challenging for the Rebels! I played the Rebellion (second time for me) and I just couldn’t get anything to line up. My first few Objectives were fighty, the Empire was covering more of the map than I remember from the demo. Tragic loss!
Those need painted
Gene Parish it’s all tragically gray and cream, yeah.
So torn whether to pick this up or Armada or both!
Andrew Kenrick Armada is a bottomless money pit. Do you hate money? Buy Armada.
And while Rebellion is a very good game, it is unfortunately overpriced.
Phil Hatfield buy it at a discount and play the hell out of it. Not overpriced!
I’ve played it once Paul Beakley, and enjoyed it overall. Thought the combat was a little “off” compared to the rest of the game. But after playing it, I’m glad I didn’t buy it and my war game buddy was the one who bought it. Chances are I will only ever play against him, so I’ll play his copy. I don’t have enough friends who have the patience to play this game.
Phil Hatfield then it’s most definitely overpriced for you.
Second play through, I thought the game was fun. I agree with Paul playing the rebels is a spicey meatball. I’m looking forward to trying them again.
Paul Beakley I’m already up to my neck in X-wing, which is what’s been holding me back up till now!
Andrew Kenrick well, I’m the wrong person to ask because I’m all-in on the FFG Star Wars line. I don’t have much X-Wing but I have shittons of Armada, plus Rebellion, plus Imperial Assault.
I really like Armada but I don’t have a lot of time for 2p games.