Path of Light And Shadow

Path of Light And Shadow

Played my fourth game of this last night and damned if I can figure out how to win it. Secret genius Jonathan Perrine​ absolutely murdered everyone. I think I lost by at least 75 points.

Honestly, no idea. Nothing clicks over for me. It’s fun! Just can’t see any pathways, merciful or cruel, to a winning endgame.

4 thoughts on “Path of Light And Shadow”

  1. I have this same problem with Splendor and Sushi Go. I think I see a good strategy only it would appear I go after the absolute worst possible strategy. So I try a different strategy to turn out it’s also the absolute worst strategy.

  2. Chris Groff I am weirdly good at splendor and yet absolutely terrible at sushi go.

    Fwiw, I drew myself into a huge deck, promoted every turn, and sat on/built two strong provinces. I used promote and place on top to build defensive hands when it came to fight time, and still had to get lucky on rolls.

    I’m pretty sure that path is a lot like scythe in that you can get away with engine building only until someone brings a fight to your door. Maybe also why sushi go, with competing hands, messes me up more than the open ladder climbing of Splendor.

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