The upcoming Thanksgiving weekend is mostly going to be a babysitting marathon so I stocked up on some heavy boardgame time yesterday.
Forbidden Stars is still awesome and frustrating. FFG rules and I don’t see eye to eye that well, and even after a dozen plays I still run into new discoveries about fundamental procedures. Frustrating. I just want to feel like I’m confident of the rules, and I never do. Might finally have it nailed down now. Victory to the glorious Ultramarines, with an asterisk.
And I forgot how deliriously great Mage Knight is! How could I have forgotten? Because it takes hours to play and gives me a headache, that’s why. Anyway, still deliriously great. Finally got to play Krang, which was the next-to-last expansion character. Krang kind of sucks! Haven’t picked up the very latest addition yet.

Ugh, MK. We have this really great guy in my gaming group who has all of MK, loves MK, and mostly ends up playing solo. It’s just…heavy like guzzling whipping cream, rather than heavy like chocolate pudding pie.
Yeah, I’m a solo MK player too! Paul Beakley got me hooked!
I’m going to be playing Forbidden Stars tomorrow night. I need to start reviewing the rules now.
Brian Casey find a cheat sheet or something because the printed rules are terrible.
Brian Casey Make sure to read the “most overlooked rules” threads on BGG. Forgetting little things like “can only own 3 tokens of each kind” can really change the dynamics completely.
Oh yeah, that’s a big one. 3x asset tokens, correct Rout resolution, ship capacity of voids, how and when to exceed planet capacity, etc etc etc.
Sometimes I think being deep into Starcraft tbg is screwing me up worse than if I’d just gotten into this one straight.
And speaking of tokens, attack and defense tokens don’t stick around after each combat turn. That one tripped us up badly.
Haha us too! Holy shit were the Chaos Marines awesome until we figured out that one.
That’s what I mean about fundamental procedures being hard to keep straight. Some of that is on me, but I place a lot of blame at FFG’s feet as well. There’s just something…missing or incorrect or whatever about their teaching methodology.
Nothing wrong with Mage Knight solo! Best way to play it in my opinion. Although I’ve only played 2 and 3 Player games once each so far…