Final MadJay Brown sighting: City of Kings game back at home.
We replayed the first story of the game, which I remembered being way harder than it was this time. Experience counts!
Until next time, buddy!
Final MadJay Brown sighting: City of Kings game back at home.
We replayed the first story of the game, which I remembered being way harder than it was this time. Experience counts!
Until next time, buddy!
Easily an awesome 5 days of gaming!
DId Ralph Mazza whip all your asses all weekend long?
Oh we held our own I think.
City of Kings is cooperative so I didn’t need to fight too hard. Not sure what we’re doing today but I fear he’s gonna crush me at something
Mark Delsing no, that was Jeremiah Frye
Chrisjen Avasarala is not to be fucked with.
Wahhh…. I’ll get my revenge of jealousy with GoPlay.
Wish we could find a good group here for gaming. It isn’t always the easiest thing to keep one going, especially during the school year when the kids activities dominate everything.
Gaijilla you have some serious cowards in this group. Protecting history is it? You bitches now need to protect yourselves from fucking ME. Allies were the bad guys. NAZIs were the 100% GOOD GUYS. Allies won using anti-gravity technology, building huge b52 bombers which could carry unlimited weight in bombs, and then we basically melted the fuck out of something like 3 thousand human cities with napalm bombs until we got caught with our pants down in Vietnam. Well, we’re still bombing today. Allies were evil. All wars are banker/Jew wars.