Deep Dive: A|STATE

We’re deep into a campaign of Handiwork Games’ second edition of a|state here with no signs of stopping. I was just about to leave Forged in the Dark games behind but a|state convinced me to stick around awhile long. Let’s dig into how a|state redeemed FitD for me. a|state is available in PDF from DriveThruRPG… Continue reading Deep Dive: A|STATE

Fellowship: Close To Great

What is it about gamers wanting to find their Forever Game? That one game they’re always going to be happiest playing, the pinnacle against which they will compare all future games, the one they think about when they’re playing anything else. We just wrapped up a long, like around 20 sessions long, campaign of Vel… Continue reading Fellowship: Close To Great

Small But Fierce: Four Reviews for March 2021

I thought it’d be a nice break from our most recent encyclopedic monstrosity to take a look at four surprisingly compact, recent-ish releases. I haven’t played any of these! These are strictly reviews, not critiques. Rebel Crown Available at At a perfect-bound 63 pages, Rebel Crown by Michael Dunn-O'Conner and Eric Swanson is the… Continue reading Small But Fierce: Four Reviews for March 2021

Blast from the Past: Dragon Storm

I've been clearing out some old boxes in my garage that have been left unopened for, well...decades, now. And I was reminded that Dragon Storm exists. Dragon Storm is a roleplaying game by Susan Van Camp and Mark Harmon (who passed in 2012) and published in a collectible card game format. I picked up one… Continue reading Blast from the Past: Dragon Storm

Extra Extra: Shattered City Is A Needed Distraction

Something I’ve learned during the pandemic is that I use roleplaying as a distraction. Sure, yes, I’ve got a weird obsession with the metasocial meaning of rules structures. And I agree that gaming can be a safe way to explore emotional and interpersonal stuff. But at least during These Unprecedented Times, I need gaming to… Continue reading Extra Extra: Shattered City Is A Needed Distraction