Games That Broke My Brain

The other day someone in the IGRC Slack talked about getting (back) into roleplaying recently and landing in OSR territory. But now he wanted to learn more about “storygaming.” Whatever that is! I’m deeply uninterested in staking a flag for anyone else. For my purposes, all storygaming means to me is post-trad play that is… Continue reading Games That Broke My Brain

I’m Working On A New Project

A hard but very real part of working on a blog like this is that it’s just impossible to play enough at enough depth to do these games justice. As I’ve gotten older, I’m also finding I’m more interested in longer, more expansive play. Bouncing from game to game is getting harder all the time… Continue reading I’m Working On A New Project

Under Hollow Hills, Haxen, Traveler’s Ironsworn (last of the Q1 review stack)

This is it! We made it! These are the last three reviews from the pile of games I've been working through the past several weeks. As always, my caveat: these are reviews based on my reading, not play ... although this week, Under Hollow Hills will get a deeper treatment because I actually have played… Continue reading Under Hollow Hills, Haxen, Traveler’s Ironsworn (last of the Q1 review stack)