The Haunted Tower (Solo Invisible Sun ft Radiance Adventure Engine)

Okay! This is my first installation of this (probably completely unhinged) project to run through more games, particularly high-investment games that are hard to run for other folks. It might run long! And, yes, it's largely AP fiction. But you never know, it might turn out to be interesting and entertaining. I encourage you to… Continue reading The Haunted Tower (Solo Invisible Sun ft Radiance Adventure Engine)

I’m Working On A New Project

A hard but very real part of working on a blog like this is that it’s just impossible to play enough at enough depth to do these games justice. As I’ve gotten older, I’m also finding I’m more interested in longer, more expansive play. Bouncing from game to game is getting harder all the time… Continue reading I’m Working On A New Project

Excerpt: The Ink That Bleeds

How To Play Immersive Journaling Games Editor's note: This is an experiment for The Indie Game Reading Club! It's an excerpt from Paul Czege's upcoming zine, The Ink That Bleeds. It's all about his extensive delve into solo journaling games over the past couple years, both a reflection on the medium and a practical how-to… Continue reading Excerpt: The Ink That Bleeds