What’s Hot In Indie Gaming (Dragonmeet 2021)

Richard Williams of Dragonmeet, a UK-based big gaming con, reached out to me for a submission to his "What's Hot In Indie RPGs" seminar. That con wrapped up last week, so here's what I submitted! Annotated with links where appropriate. The past year has been my necessary, inevitable, unwanted introduction to playing tabletop games online.… Continue reading What’s Hot In Indie Gaming (Dragonmeet 2021)

The Slow, Weird Return To In-Person Play

Now that most of my local players are fully vaccinated, we’re slowly dipping our toes back into in-person play. And it is so weird and fraught. I can’t stop thinking about all the stuff I learned to make roleplaying happen during the pandemic: video play, character keepers, Miro, screen sharing, dice rollers. I’ve developed a… Continue reading The Slow, Weird Return To In-Person Play