The PayPal slush fund continues to cycle, forever and ever, into stuff I’ll maybe use.

The PayPal slush fund continues to cycle, forever and ever, into stuff I’ll maybe use.

Holy jeez those EotE supplements tho! They’re hardbacks!

15 thoughts on “The PayPal slush fund continues to cycle, forever and ever, into stuff I’ll maybe use.”

  1. Have you been able to find EotE dice anywhere, Paul Beakley? I’ve tried in a couple of different places and aside from buying beginner packs or off amazon (even more expensive) everywhere seems to be out of them. Anyone have any idea where they would be?

  2. Nicholas Hopkins no idea why they’d be hard to find. Go to I need to set up an affiliate thing with CSI, I swear to god.

    Good call on Stay on Target. I glossed over all the AoR books because I have pretty much no interest in AoR.

    Eric Franklin it is! I’m stoked. I love Kemet! I have Clint Shulenski to thank for that. 

  3. Eclipse is amazing. I adore it and it deserves so much more play than it gets. Highest marks. You want to play.

    One or the other of us need to make a road trip.

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